JavaFX example of a MP3 player

This is a simple example of a mp3 player created with JavaFX. It has a button to open and play the track, pause, resume and stop buttons with their respective functionalities. To play the music we use MediaPlayer class -> The MediaPlayer class provides the controls for playing media. MediaPlayer provides the pause(), play(), stop() … Read more

Java FX example of a TO DO list

Simple Java FX application which creates and removes elements from the list. This is a basic example of a To Do List application using JavaFX. The program creates a window with a text field for inputting new tasks, a list view for displaying the tasks, and two buttons for adding and removing tasks. The tasks … Read more

Java FX Example of simulate Earth going around the Sun

In this example we will use Java FX and create animation in which Earth will go around the sun: Maven pom.xml dependencies of JavaFX: Java code: This program creates a simple animation of the Earth going around the Sun using the JavaFX library. The animation is created using a PathTransition object, which animates a node … Read more

Vim useful commands

Let’s see we can operated and use VIM text editor. To open the text document with Vim use command: vim [filename] Vim has two modes. Command mode and edit mode. By default when we open file command mode is active. To exit from the file in this mode type: :q If you want first to … Read more

Useful Linux grep commands

Grep command is very useful and powerful command to search words in text files. Here is exploitation and some examples: grep [search word] [place to search] -> global regular expression print. It will print the lines which the [search word] is found in the [place to search] Search word inside text.txt Search word inside all … Read more

Some basic Linux commands

This is a list with some useful basic Linux commands: sudo [command] -> It will execute command with elevated (administrative) privileges. pwd -> This command is path to current working directory. Sometimes you need to check where you are in directory tree. cd [folder] -> enter a folder. If we use cd .. -> exit … Read more